Bargaining Session 8/30/22
The NULWU bargaining team, along with a representative from SEIU Local 73, had another bargaining session with management on 8/30/2022. We presented four counterproposals to the university team: Union Membership Equal Employment, Opportunity, and Non-Discrimination No Strike No Lockout Layoffs and Furloughs The University bargaining team countered these proposals and added a proposal on Severability that had been overlooked in past sessions. No tentative agreements were reached during this session. We continued to have a lively dialogue over No Strike No Lockout. While we agree that during the terms of the contract Represented Workers will not strike or engage in activities that amount to a stoppage of work, the issue of whether Represented Workers can demonstrate support for other labor groups on campus during non-work hours, such as a lunch break or after work, is still up in the air. We have been advocating for our right to engage in this activity, because we feel very strongly abou...